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gamble on是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

gamble on

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1.打赌 testify to 表明 说明 gamble on 赌博 打赌 gamble away 输掉 输光 ...

2.赌博 testify to 表明 说明 gamble on 赌博 打赌 gamble away 输掉 输光 ...

3.为……进行赌博 in play 1. 开玩笑地,打趣地 gamble on 1. 为……进行赌博 gambling 赌博 ...

4.就…进行赌博 ... place on 把…放在…上; 把…强加于… gamble on 就…进行赌博 be furnished with 备有,安装有, …

5.以……打赌 ... embark on 上路 gamble on 以……打赌 insist on 坚持…… ...

6.冒险行动或碰运气 ... gamble on horses 赌马 Gamble on sth 冒险行动或碰运气 gamble on card …


1.It was bit of a gamble on him at the time but, by and large, most people say that Jeremie did very well during his time at the Club.当时对他来说这是场赌博。但是最终大体来说,多数人认为杰勒米在俱乐部效力期间表现不错。

2.Since the cost of digital distribution is almost zero, the thinking goes, cinemas ought to gamble on more obscure products.因为数码传播的成本几乎是零,所以影院应该往更多不引人注意的产品上下赌注的想法就可以接受。

3.Years later, Lelouch is in high school, but regularly skips out of school to go play chess and gamble on himself.年后的今天,路许是一位高中生,但经常跳过辍学去下棋和赌。

4.Joan: I didn't buy lottery tickets, and I don't gamble on other ways, either. Lottery tickets ate just another way of taxing the poor.琼:我从来不买彩票。而且我也不用其他方式进行赌博。彩票只是另外一种方式向穷人征税。

5.Whatever the merits, there's no doubt the agency has placed a huge reputation gamble on the case.不管SEC手里有怎样的证据,它在这个案件上无疑是下了一个关乎其声誉的重大赌注。

6.At the start of the experiment each volunteer was given 50 dollars with which to gamble on the outcome of tossing a coin.在实验的开始,研究人员给志愿者们每人50美元用于下注,投硬币决定输赢。

7.Buying a new car is a long-term gamble on there being dealers, spare parts and a thriving second-hand market for your vehicle.当汽车倒爷和配件组装商层出不穷,二手市场也红火起来之时,买新车是一项长期的赌博。

8.For my first bet I chose to gamble on the total number of goals in the Portsmouth vs Norwich football match.第一次下注,我赌的是朴茨茅斯(Portsmouth)和诺里奇队(Norwich)队足球比赛的总得分。

9.But critics call GNEP a costly gamble on unproven science that will harm the cause of nuclear energy and do little to combat proliferation.但批评者认为,GNEP计划是一场未经科学证明的代价高昂的豪赌,它将损害核能事业,而对打击核扩散效果甚微。

10.In essence, he notes, buyers rent property from bankers, in return for a gamble on the upside.他指出,本质上,购房者是在向银行租房,以此押注于房价上涨。
